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+49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 0

Do you need legal advice? Then give us a call for a free, no-obligation initial assessment. Nationwide!

You are welcome to describe your legal concerns to us by e-mail. You will receive a non-binding and free initial assessment from us promptly.

IT-law, data protection, internet law

The team around Dr. Marcus Werner, attorney and computer scientist, developed a core competency over the years in the legal advice and support in IT projects on all sizes. Dr. Marcus Werner, with numerous scientific publications and lectures, is one of the leading experts in IT law and data protection nationwide. The scientific and technical expertise as well as the experience gained in a multitude of projects are the key factors of our success.

The IT team of Werner attorneys, computer scientists, advises and supports companies in IT projects and on the distribution of IT products and services with the focus on the contract arrangement, e.g. hardware and software contracts, ERP contracts, hosting contracts, EVB-IT contracts.  In providing advice we take into account the particularities of the trademark law, antitrust law, copyright law, competition law and labour law.

In any legal question related to e-commerce and Internet law, we are at your side.  We analyse and solve data protection problems with our legal and technical know-how.

In addition to consultancy services we represent you either to enforce you rights or to defend against actions. If your action will be dismissed, we will, of course, appeal.

Please contact

Dipl.-Inform. Dr. jur. Marcus Werner

Specialist lawyer for IT law, commercial and company law

Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 66

Roman Pusep

Specialist lawyer for IT law

Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 73

Kristina Dimitrova LL.M.


Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 69