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Data protection

Our data protection notice

1. Purpose

WERNER attorneys computer scientists seriously protect your data. We want to inform you which data we collect, process and use when you visit our website Such obligation follows from the German telemedia law (TMG), the broadcasting treaty (RStV) and from the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

2. Personal data

Personal data are pursuant to article § 3 paragraph 1 BDSG all data  that give information about personal or  objective conditions of a natural person. These data include for instance your name, your address, your gender, your date of birth, your age, your phone number, your email address and your IP address. The register is not complete and illustrates what we can understand by personal data.

3. The data we collect, process and use

We do not collect, process or use your personal data when you go on our website to get information. However there are exceptions to the rule. To carry out services for you, we need some of your personal data. For this purpose you can find the following information:

a) Data collection for technical reasons

Whenever you visit our website we automatically store data which your browser transmits to our server. On our website we offer the possibility to download documents (e.g. point of views, a location sketch). In this precise process  we store data which your browser transmits to our server. The following information is stored:

  • data of your browser
  • your operating system
  • your URL
  • date and time of access
  • your IP address

We have no possibility to assign these data to anyone and do not combine these data with other data sources. We store the above mentioned data for 30 days and afterwards we cancel them unless there is a legal obligation to retain them. We will analyse data that we recorded when you were on our website only if

  • we are obliged to do so by law
  • we need the data recorded to prosecute external attacks on our structure according to  criminal and civil law.

b) Establishing contact per email or per contact form

If you write us a message using the contact form, we need your valid email address. If we do not have contact details, we cannot answer you. If you write us a message using the contact form, we send you automatically a copy of your message.
We collect, process and use your personal data only to provide our services.  We cancel your personal data after we have provided our services for you unless there is a legal obligation to retain them or we might use them in a legal dispute.

Please note our hints if you make an application by email or if you contact us with the intention to get legal advice.

aa) Data processing in case of applications

If you decide to make an application  you can send us your application documents. We will examine the documents and them let you know our decision. if we decide not to hire you, we will block the access to your personal data and cancel them after five months.

bb) Data processing in case you want to get legal advice

In case you contact us because you need legal advice (e.g. precise description of a circumstance to be examined, a precise question, sending documents), we store the email address in our system. We do not know precisely how long we can use your email address because it depends on what is legally required. Please contact the attorney who supports you.

c) Data use for journalistic purposes

We offer on our website editorial topics which in our opinion are for the public benefit. We present, for example, decisions made by local courts or by higher and supreme courts. If by chance we had used you personal data and thus affected your legitimate interests, you can ask us about the personal data stored by us. Please contact us and use our email address you find in the legal notice.
We can refuse to provide information after full evaluation of the circumstances if the notice to you might affect negatively our journalistic task or if, in alternative,  personal data

  • of those contributes to the preparation, production dissemination or
  • of the  sender or the owner of articles, documents and messages  reveal the identity of a person.

4. The data the social media supplier collect, process or use

In the following we inform you if and how i social media supplier process, collect or use if you visit our website.

a) Social-Media-Plug-in

We use on our website the following social-media-plug-in:

  • Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google +1 Button”)
  • Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Like-Button”)
  • Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom Street, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA (“Twittern-Button”)

b) How does the data collection work

The following information applies to social media plug-in that you can use on our website If you go to  one of our websites that have a social-media-button, the button is still deactivated. This means that no data from your browser are transmitted to the social media supplier. You will be informed about this when you move the mouse cursor over the social media button (hover). Only when you activate the social media button, there is a connection between your browser and the server of the social media supplier, the button transmits directly to your browser and they will be embedded in the webpage. The social media supplier gets the information that you transmit with your IP address because you have visited our webpage. If you are logged in as member of the social media supplier, then the social media supplier associate the information to your account. By using the social media button (e.g. to click on the button, to give a comment) the information from your browser is transmitted to the social media supplier and also to your personnel account.

c) Further information about social media supplier

To have more information about how social media supplier process and use data and about your rights and the possibility to protect your privacy, see the following links:

5. Data processing and data use when you use the googlemaps

On our website, where you can go by clicking on the link on the header of the website or through the link ' to open in googlemaps' at the button of each website, you can organize your trip to our office with Googlemaps. To this purpose we use Googlemaps. GoogleMaps is an offer from the Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. If you go to the website of our contact, your browser transmits your IP address to Google, so that Google can transmit the maps to your browser. If you put in an itinerary and a location (e.g. the current location or your address), this information will also be transmitted to Google.
You can find more information about how Google processes and uses data and about your rights and the possibility to protect your privacy in Google data protection information and GoogleMaps/Earth terms of use.

6. Links to other websites

We link websites with other internet pages of other providers with whom we are not associated. If you click on these links, we do not know which data are processed and used by the provider. You can find more information about the data processing and data use in the data protection information of the provider. We do not take responsibility for from third processed or used data.  You can recognise websites by third parties because they are opened in a new window in your browser. In contrast new webpages of our websites always open in a new tab of your browser.

7. To put questions

If you have questions regarding the data protection on our websites you can send us an email. Please send your email to: info(at)

8. Update of the data protection information
The overall legal conditions are, as a matter of fact,  submitted to changes.  Therefore from time to time we have to update the data protection information. To see the last date of update see the date at the end of our data protection information.

Date: May 18, 2016

5. Data processing and data use when you use the googlemaps

On our website, where you can go by clicking on the link on the header of the website or through the link ' to open in googlemaps' at the button of each website, you can organize your trip to our office with Googlemaps. To this purpose we use Googlemaps. GoogleMaps is an offer from the Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States. If you go to the website of our contact, your browser transmits your IP address to Google, so that Google can transmit the maps to your browser. If you put in an itinerary and a location (e.g. the current location or your address), this information will also be transmitted to Google. 
You can find more information about how Google processes and uses data and about your rights and the possibility to protect your privacy in Google data protection information and GoogleMaps/Earth terms of use.

6. Links to other websites

We link websites with other internet pages of other providers with whom we are not associated. If you click on these links, we do not know which data are processed and used by the provider. You can find more information about the data processing and data use in the data protection information of the provider. We do not take responsibility for from third processed or used data.  You can recognise websites by third parties because they are opened in a new window in your browser. In contrast new webpages of our websites always open in a new tab of your browser.

7. To put questions

If you have questions regarding the data protection on our websites you can send us an email. Please send your email to: info(at)

8. Update of the data protection information

The overall legal conditions are, as a matter of fact, submitted to changes. Therefore from time to time we have to update the data protection information. To see the last date of update see the date at the end of our data protection information.

Date: May 18, 2016