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+49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 0

Do you need legal advice? Then give us a call for a free, no-obligation initial assessment. Nationwide!

You are welcome to describe your legal concerns to us by e-mail. You will receive a non-binding and free initial assessment from us promptly.

Right of persons to their own likeness

Every person has the right to his own likeness. Everyone can decide when or how an image in which he is recognizable can be published. Exceptions are made for those images representing people from contemporary history (politicians and celebrities), images representing people by accident (e.g. scramblers when the Rhine flooded the area) or images of gatherings and events (football fans). We advise clients whose right of anonymity has been infringed and media company that unintentionally are about to violate other people's rights.

Please contact

Dipl.-Inform. Dr. jur. Marcus Werner

Specialist lawyer for IT law, commercial and company law

Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 66

Roman Pusep

Specialist lawyer for IT law

Phone: +49 (0) 221 / 97 31 43 - 73